2015-10-19 15:41:16
The Golden Athena Award goes to "Dégradé"

The 21st Athens International Film Festival concluded with a screening of Jacques Audiard’s “Dheepan” at IDEAL movie theater.
The screening of this year’s Palm d’ Or winner was preceded by a brief Awards Ceremony. Instead of his usual speech, artistic director Orestis Andreadakis gave up the stage to the festival’s core programming team that presented the various juries, awards and video messages from the winners, while also thanking their long list of sponsors and collaborators.
The festival’s grand prize, the Golden Athena, was awarded to “Dégradé” by Tarzan & Arab Nasser, “an intensely critical film with political dimensions that hits the bull right between the eyes. The novel filmmaking approach creates a very special atmosphere that immediately sucks the viewer in,” said jury President Venetia Dedemadis.
The City of Athens Best Director Award went to Alanté Kavaïté for “The Summer of Sangailė”. According to the jury, “her refreshing directorial approach conjured up a romantic universe, while putting whatever technical means she had at her disposal to good use”.
The Best Screenplay Award went to Mark Noonan for “You're Ugly Too”, an “insightfull look into human relationships and an array of multi-dimensional characters that walked the fine line between drama and comedy through clever dialogue and a naturalistic approach.”
Mark Noonan was present at the Closing Ceremony, where he thanked both the festival staff and everyone who saw his movie for making this such a wonderful experience, while hinting at the possibility of shooting his next film in Greece.
The jury also handed out a special mention to Verónica Llinás for her turn in “Dog Lady”, co-directed by Laura Citarella and the actress herself “for her brilliant portrayal of a character who goes above and beyond convention.”
The Audience Award went to “Labyrinth of Lies” by Giulio Ricciarelli, a devastating film based on real-life events about the first Auschwitz trial on German soil.
Music & Film Jury President Olivier Thery Lapiney took to the stage to announce the Golden Athena winner for the festival’s second competition section. The prize went to “Jaco” by Stephen Kijak and Paul Marchand, a documentary about the legendary musician Jaco Pastorius, who changed the course of modern music and redefined the sound and significance of electric base guitar.
Director Paul Marchand and producer Robert Trujillo (who happens to be Metallica’s bassist) sent video messages from Los Angeles thanking the jury and the festival, as well as the Pastorius family for their precious help in making this documentary come true.
The IEK AKMH and Cinema Magazine/cinemagazine.gr competition award – a full scholarship to IEK AKMH college – went to Dimitris Tsoundarou for “Walkman”.
Here’s the detailed list of the 21st Athens International Film Festival – Opening Nights Awards:
Golden Athena for the Official Competition Section: “Dégradé” by Tarzan & Arab Nasser
City of Athens Best Director Award: Alanté Kavaïté for “The Summer of Sangailė”
Best Screenplay Award: Mark Noonan for “You're Ugly Too”
Special Mention: Verónica Llinás for her turn in “Dog Lady”
Audience Award: “Labyrinth of Lies” by Giulio Ricciarelli
Golden Athena for the Music & Film Section: “Jaco” by Stephen Kijak and Paul Marchand
The Award Ceremony was followed by a screening of “Dheepan”, a combustible drama on the hottest topic of our time, culminating in an explosive finale that won Jacques Audiard this year’s Palm d’Or.
The 21st Athens International Film Festival is a wrap, long live the 22nd Athens International Film Festival!
21st AIFF - Closing ceremony video239 ταινίες, παΟάλληλες εκδηλΟσεις, πάΟτι, καλεσμΞΞ½ΞΏΞΉ, ΞµΞΊΞΈΞσεις, Ξ²ΟΞ±Ξ²ΞµΞ―Ξ± ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ ΞΌΞ―Ξ± Ξ±ΞΊΞΏΟΟαστη ομάδα! Ξαναζήστε τις φετινΞΟ‚ 21ΞµΟ‚ ΞΟχτες Ξ ΟΞµΞΌΞΉΞΟΞ±Ο‚ ΞΌΞσα Ξ±Ο€Ο Ο„ΞΏ βίντεο 3 λεπτΟΞ½, που ΞΟΞΉΞΎΞµ αυλαία στη χθεσινή Τελετή Λήξης του Φεστιβάλ. Σας ευχαΟιστοΟΞΌΞµ Ολους Ξ³ΞΉΞ± την υποστήΟΞΉΞΎΞ· ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ Ξ±Ξ½Ξ±Ξ½ΞµΟΞ½ΞΏΟ…ΞΌΞµ το ΟΞ±Ξ½Ο„ΞµΞ²ΞΏΟ ΞΌΞ±Ο‚ Ξ³ΞΉΞ± κινηματογΟαφικΞΟ‚ «ΞΟχτες» του Ο‡ΟΟΞ½ΞΏΟ…! https://goo.gl/CWpZH4
Posted by Ξ ΞµΟΞΉΞΏΞ΄ΞΉΞΊΟ Ξ£ΞΉΞ½ΞµΞΌΞ¬ - cinemagazine.gr on Monday, October 5, 2015