Athens International Film Festival

Two Love Stories / Two Embraces - Dos Abrazos

Jessy Vega Eslava
Obrero Mundial 530-15, Col. Narvarte
03020 DF
Tel: 0052 55 5538 7185

12-year-old Paco has just learned that his elder brother is dying of cancer; at the same time he is in love with Silvina, a pretty cashier girl at the local supermarket, who is estranged from her mother. Joaquín is a lonely taxi driver; during a drive to the hospital, he hears about a customer’s complaints about his daughter and decides to step up between them and make peace. Reminiscent of Kieslowski, Two Embraces is a moving film about estrangement, loneliness and the conquering power of love. Award for Best Director at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Director: Enrique Begne
Screenwriter: Paula Marcovich
Cinematography: Federico Barbarosa
Editing: Samuel Larson
Music: Antonio Fernández Ros
Cast: Maya Zapata, Jorge Zarate, Giovanni Florido, Ximena Sarinana

Mexico, Color
Spanish, 87΄
Format: 35mm

    Publication date: 2007-09-10 23:43:31

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