Athens International Film Festival

In Memory of Myself - In Memoria di Me

Armelle Laborie
38 rue de la chine
75020 paris france
tel. 0033 1 43 66 40 30
fax. 0033 1 43 66 86 00
Existence has become cumbersome for Andrea, who turns his back on the world and seeks solace in a monastery. However, life in the austere, stiff monastic community forces him to confront the deeper recesses of his soul. Without rushing to judge his characters, director Saverio Costanzo constructs an evocative, oppressive universe of pregnant silences, ambiguous glances and emotional frigidity. Cut off both from God and the world, Costanzo’s characters grope in the dark seeking their inner self, all the while questioning their ability to experience love. A low-key, subtle drama of profound spirituality. In Memory of Myself was presented in this year’s Berlin Film Festival.

Director: Saverio Costanzo
Screenwriters: Furio Monicelli, Saverio Costanzo
Cinematography: Mario Amura
Editing: Francesca Calvelli
Cast: Christo Jivkov, Filippo Timi, Marco Baliani

Italy, Color
Italian, 118΄
Format: 35mm

    Publication date: 2007-09-10 23:42:19