Sketches of Frank Gehry
This is Sydney Pollack's first documentary, fuelled by his personal friendship with internationally renowned architect Frank O.
Gehry, a man passionate about sketches. They're the basis of his work and the point of departure for every single architectural plan he's ever made. Quick doodles turn into cardboard models that, in turn, are transformed into hi-tech buildings made out of titanium and glass, concrete and steel, wood and stone.
Choosing to focus primarily on his sketches, Pollack used both 35mm film and a digital camera to discreetly document his friend, spending an inordinate amount of time at his home, his office and his construction sites, capturing fleeting moments and trying to gain insight into his architectural choices and his seemingly humble yet inscrutable personality.
The intentionally neutral style of the digital images makes Gehry's architecture seem even grander, while their friendly banter caresses you ears throughout the duration of the screening. A.S.
sketches of frank gehry / σχέδια του φράνκ... από NyxtesPremieras
Σκηνοθεσία / Director
Sydney Pollack
Φωτογραφία / DoP
Marcus Birsel, Ultan Guilfoyle, Sydney Pollack, Claudio Rocha, George Tiffin
Μουσική / Music
Sorman & Nystrom
Μοντάζ / Editor
Karen Schmeer
Εμφανίζονται / Featuring
Frank O. Gehry, Bob Geldof, Julian Schnabel, Dennis Hopper, Michael Ovitz, Sydney Pollack
Γερμανία, ΗΠΑ / Germany, USA
Εγχρωμο / Color
Αγγλικά / English