Athens International Film Festival

Titles and Jury Announcement for the Greek Short Stories Competition Program

These are the 46 Greek Short Stories of the 30th Athens International Film Festival.

The Athens International Film Festival, sponsored by Nova, celebrates 30 years of cinema magic and warm support for the local filmmakers, with a youthful momentum and a promising openness.

From its first edition until today, Athens International Film Festival embraces greek cinema with a series of initiatives and actions that each year maintain and deepen this relationship of enthusiastic interest, protection and genuine love.

From the long-awaited premieres of Greek films that are introduced to the Festival audiences and subsequently travel to Greece and abroad, to workshops or masterclasses about the development and production of films in collaboration with important national and European institutions, to hosting recognized and honored guests of the film community, AIFF continues to highlight, promote and illuminate the work of both older and emerging filmmakers of our country.

Highlights 29AIFF

The most unique and strong link between AIFF and Greek film production is of course the much-loved Greek Short Stories In Competition Section, which has been helping for more than 12 years new Greek short films find their way to the big screen and reach their audiences.

The multi-dimensional and exciting Greek Short Stories competition section, having presented more than 700 films throughout the years, will continue to showcase the most creative part of Greek cinema and will return the love and trust of local filmmakers during the 30th event of Athens International Film Festival.

We are pleased to present to you this year's GREEK SHORT STORIES and the 46 films competing for the awards of the section from a record-breaking total of 373 entries!

FILMS IN COMPETITION (in alphabetical order)
"74", Charalambos Margaritis
"7Hz", Maria Hatzakou
"A 10 Minute Swim", Achilles Tsoutsis
"Acheron", Konstantina Papadopoulou
"Angelo", Helias Doulis
"Assist", Maria Tsioli
"Boris & I", Haris Raftogiannis
"Breath", Vivian Papageorgiou
"Cleaner", Kostas Gerampinis
"Driving Me Crazy", Meni Tsilianidou
"Echoes", Robinson Drossos
"Farewell: And Suddenly Memory Began to Remember", Ada Pitsou
"Fatbardha", Kitty Kendezi
"G3N3SIS", Antonis Doussias
"Gekas", Dimitris Moutsiakas
"Golden Fingers", Fivos Kontogiannis
"Grandpa, grandma, what happens to our videos after we die?", Niki Arniakou
"Halcyon Days", Alexandros Skouras
"Honeymoon", Alki Papastathopoulos
"In Anticipation", Avrilios Karakostas
"Mauve", Jo Capralou
"Mira", Orfeas Peretzis
"MJ", Yiorgos Fourtounis
"Ms Nitsa", Nefeli Rapti
"Name Day", Kostas Dimitriadis
"Needless Movement", Nikoleta Leousi
"No Future Kids", Eleni Poulopoulou
"Notes from a Sea Voyage", Argyris Germanidis
"numb", Despina Kourti
"Open Wings", Vasilis Tsiouvaras, Taxiarchis Deligiannis
"Pakistani", Christos Zeniou
"Pave Paradise", Alcaeus Spyrou
"Pigeons are dying, when the city is on fire", Stavros Markoulakis
"pop", Lina Kountoura
"Roger", Thanos Mitsios
"Six", Leoni Xerovasila
"Skeleton Tree", Haris Zalavras
"Spiti", Sofia Sfyri
"Still Cypress Tree", Andreas Kontopoulos
"Tektite", Smaragda Nitsopoulou
"The Eggregores' Theory", Andreas Gatopoulos
"The Longest Day of the World", Dimitris Charalampopoulos
"The Mushroom Man", Petros Niamonitakis
"theater", Anastasia Lola
"Vioma", Angel Saft
"What we ask of a statue is that it doesn't move", Daphné Hérétakis

"Rite of Passage", Alexia Vassileiou, Valentina Karantoni
"Six Minutes from A Century", Meletis Moiras
"What Mary didn’t know", Konstantina Kotzamani


The Jury for the Competition Section GREEK SHORT STORIES of the 30th Athens International Film Festival consists of the director Asimina Proedrou as President and as members: Dimitra Vlagopoulou, actress, Sofia Kokkali, actress, Alexandros Diakosavvas, journalist and Pavlos Pavlidis, musician.


The selected films will be screened during the Festival and the Jury will award the following prizes:

- Golden Athena Award for Best Film which is accompanied by a cash prize of 2.000 Euros with the kind support of the Greek Film Centre.

- Silver Athena Special Jury Award which is accompanied by a cash prize of 1.500 Euros with the kind support of the Greek Film Centre.

- Best Director Award which comes with a cash prize of 1.500 Euros courtesy of the Film School and the production company Art Renegade, which inaugurate their collaboration with the Festival. It is also accompanied by a 5-year free Premium membership subscription on the Crew United platform, the leading online networking platform connecting audiovisual professionals in Europe, open also in Greece.

- Best Screenplay Award which is accompanied by a cash prize of 1.500 Euros with the kind support of the Greek Film Centre.

- Male and Female Performance Awards accompanied by a 5-year free membership as a Premium Member on the Crew United platform.

- Onassis Film Award, accompanied by a cash prize of 5,000 Euros offered by ONASSIS CULTURE. The award is given to directors for the development of their feature film script. It is a development prize, in the sense that it is offered as a reward for a specific film but is considered as financial support for the director's
next project (of his/her own choice), and is reciprocal in nature, along the lines of international and domestic development prizes.

Note: It is clarified that from the short films competing in the GREEK SHORT STORIES of the 30th AIFF, excluded from the Onassis Award are the short films that have already received the support of Onassis Culture during their production, as well as those that have been awarded the same prize at the Drama Short Film Festival.

- GSC Award for Best Cinematography, kindly supported by the Greek Filmmakers Association, is accompanied by the sponsorship of DK Rental House.

The winner will be provided with complete filmmaking equipment of her/his choice (camera, lenses, lights, etc.) worth 4.000€ for her/his next film.

The special Jury that will award this prize will be consisted of internationally renowned Directors of Photography: Giorgos Arvanitis AFC, GSC, Haris Zambarloukos BSC, GSC and Phedon Papamichael ASC, GSC.

The full program of the 30 th Athens International Film Festival will be announced during the PRESS CONFERENCE on Wednesday, September 25 th , 2024 (location and time TBA).

Το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου της Αθήνας Νύχτες Πρεμιέρας, με  μεγάλο χορηγό τη Nova, θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 2 έως τις 14 Οκτωβρίου.

The Athens International Film Festival, sponsored by Nova, will take place from October 2 to 14. The venues that will host this year's event are: DANAOS I & II, OPERA I & II, ASTOR, ASTY, MEGARON ATHENS CONCERT HALL and PALLAS.

    Publication date: 2024-09-03 17:47:34