The hidden masterpiece of Yang’s filmography is an amazing narrative puzzle which unfolds methodically before reaching a shocking climax. Made up of the crossover stories of three couples whose fates meet through a telephone prank which takes an unexpected turn. The director adroitly described the film being about “ the invisible time bombs people set between themselves and then wait for them to go off”.
TAIWAN | 1986 | COLOR | DCP | 110' | MANDARIN
The fist scenes makes you think that it’s all about action taking place outside, but the intricate* structure and the strong web around six characters immerses you in an amazing film world of nihilistic, exhaustive interactions.
‘Terrorizers’ is a masterpiece of structure which demands patience of the viewer. But the relationships and the characters are formed so meticulously that if you pay attention to the editing co-relations, you’ll find yourself in the (much talkedabout) end before a cinematic explosion. An explosion that sweeps across the modern urban reality, the work environment and the destructive impact of the lack of moral in a person and their relations. There’s no room for show-off here. This is pure cinema. I.D.
DIRECTOR: Edward Yang
SCREENWRITERS: Hsiao-Yeh, Edward Yang
DoP: Chan Cheng
MUSIC: Xiaoliang Weng
EDITOR: Ching-Song Liao
PRINCIPAL CAST: Cora Miao, Lee Li-chun, Chin Shihchieh, Wang An, Liu Min, Yu An-shun, Ku Pao-ming, Ma Shao-chun, Huang Chia-ching