The Angel
Produced by Pedro Almodóvar and with Scorsese's greatest fan behind the camera the incredible story of the 20-year old psychopath, who became the most notorious serial killer in Argentina, quickly turns into a vertiginous and playfully unscrupulous walk on the wild side. A fast-paced film with an excellent performance by newcomer and highly-promising actor Lorenzo Ferro. In attendance of the leading actor, Lorenzo Ferro
In 1972 Argentina was shocked by the most notorious serial killer in the country’s crime history. In just a year’s time, twenty-year-old Carlos Robledo Puch, with his angel looks that were completely at odds with his psychopathic nature, committed forty robberies, eleven homicides and multiple assaults, before ending up in jail to serve the longest sentence in Argentina’s history.
With Pedro Almodovar in the production team and the amazing young actor Lorenzo Ferro in the leading role, the story is transferred to the big screen as a darkly funny, playfully amoralistic and narratively vertiginous film, introducing Ortega as a talented Scorsese’s disciple. L.K.
DIRECTOR: Luis Ortega
SCREENWRITER: Luis Ortega, Rodolfo Palacios, Sergio Olguín
DoP: Julián Apezteguía
EDITOR: Guillermo Gatti
PRINCIPAL CAST: Lorenzo Ferro, Chino Darin, Mercedes Morán, Daniel Fanego, Luis Gnecco, Peter Lanzani, Cecilia Roth
Luis Ortega was born in Buenos Aires in 1980. In 2002 he directed his debut, Caja Negra, which received multiple international awards. Since then, he developed a filmography with a strong signature, becoming one of the most daring and attractive voices in the independent Latin American scene.
2018 The Angel
2014 Lulú
2012 Dromómanos
2011 Damn Summer
2009 The Dirty Saints
2005 Monobloc
2002 Black Box