The Old Man & the Gun (Closing Film)
The true story of Forrest Tucker, the bank robber, who was sent to jail for the first time at age 15, managed to escape 18 times and continued undeterred to rob banks until he was 79 years old. This film is the perfect medium for Robert Redford's definitive farewell to acting, thanks to a charming adventure film directed with pizazz and backed by the great performances of Tom Waits, Sissy Spacek, Casey Affleck and Elisabeth Moss.
USA | 2018 | COLOR | DCP | 93' | ENGLISH
Forrest Silva «Woody» Tucker went to jail for the first time when he was 15. He has tried to escape 30 times, and succeeded 18 of them. And, at 79, he had robbed four more banks and as a result he was sentenced to 13 years! This will be the bittersweet goodbye for a charming thief of cinematic dreams: the great Robert Redford.
With a career spanning six decades and roles in some of the best films in the history of cinema, Redford (who has won an Academy Award for Best Direction), pope of the American indie cinema due to the Sundance Festival, ends his acting career here. David Lowery’s direction is a glorious farewell and the amazing cast (Casey Affleck, Sissy Spacek, Elisabeth Moss, Tom Waits) delivers an admirable cinematic chorus. P.Gk.
DIRECTOR: David Lowery
DoP: Joe Anderson
MUSIC: Daniel Hart
EDITOR: Lisa Zeno Churgin
PRINCIPAL CAST: Robert Redford, Casey Affleck, Sissy Spacek, Elisabeth Moss, Danny Glover, Tom Waits, Keith Carradine
David Lowery was born in Milwaukee and is based in Dallas. He is an American filmmaker, known for directing, writing and editing feature films that explore the different essences of humanity. His features as writer-director include Pete’s Dragon and A Ghost Story.
2018 The Old Man & the Gun
2017 A Ghost Story
2016 Pete’s Dragon
2013 Ain’t them Bodies Saints
2009 St. Nick