Parasite (Opening Film)
A poor and a filthy-rich family co-exist in an exceptionally unexpected way in the latter’s luxurious house, in what is a diabolical mix of slapstick comedy, social allegory and thriller by the director of “Snowpiercer” and “The Host”, who was justly honored with the Palme d’Or at this year’s Cannes Film Festival and is expected to receive many Academy Award nominations.
S. KOREA | 2019 | COLOR | DCP | 132' | KOREAN
Two families of four, one very poor, one nouveau riche, ‘coexist’ in the luxurious mansion of the latter in an extremely unexpected way. That’s all you need to know to enter this exemplary black comedy/thriller by Bong Joon-Ho, worthy winner at Cannes. After all, as the Korean director of ‘Snowpiercer’, ‘The Host’ and ‘Memories of Murder’ has himself admitted, the less you know about ‘Parasite’, the more you will enjoy its surprises.
At the same time, Bong keeps touching upon social issues of universal interest through popular film genres, thus creating a masterful class allegory, based on a hilarious script, an endless source of black humour and a great sense of cinematic rhythm. N.S.
DIRECTOR: Bong Joon-ho
SCREENWRITERS: Bong Joon-ho, Han Jin-won
DoP: Hong Kyung-pyo
MUSIC: Jung Jae-il
EDITOR: Yang Jin-mo
PRINCIPAL CAST: Song Kang-ho, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Choi Woo-Shik, Park So-dam
50 year-old South Korean director and screenwriter. He studied at the Korean Film Academy. ‘Host’ and ‘Snowpiercer’ rank among the most commercial films of his country. He is the first Korean to be awarded the
Palme D’ Or.
2019 Parasite
2017 Okja
2013 Snowpiercer
2009 Mother
2006 The Host
2003 Memories of Murder
2000 Barking Dogs Never Bite